Want to join our crazy crew?

Are you 18 years of age or over?
Can you commit to two Saturdays a month?
Have you ever thought about performing with a shadow cast?
It's easier than you think and a whole lot of fun!
We now perform multiple movies but we only hold auditions for the roles in RHPS, all other shows are cast using only our already existing members - so once you join it opens up more opportunities.
You can audition for any part at any time between January and June, send us an email at [email protected] and we'll explain how it all works, get you an application and set up a time for your audition.
Want to know what parts we are currently looking to fill? You've come to the right place.
We are currently looking to cast the roles of:
All roles and understudies!
Tech Crew
We are also looking for a photographer to join cast and a few people to do backstage/technical work - please contact us if you're interested.